Josh seems full of energy, eager to run around, excitable. He loves to play, almost like he can’t believe we want to just sit around when we could all be outside playing!
This is so true, he was always full of energy, was always ‘hyper’, he loved being outside & active whether in the garden or on walks, or swimming in Stirchley pools.
Did he pull the lead?
Yes very much so, even pulled Dad & he’s a big bloke!
Did he have a red rubber ball?
Mom tells me he did have a hard rubber ball, though we cannot remember the colour.
Did he like chasing rabbits?
Unsure, never saw him doing that!
Gemma says if Josh had the chance to get off the lead he would run towards woodlands & trees to chase rabbits.
This is true; he’d always dart for the woodland!
Josh tells Gemma that he chases rabbits in Heaven & apparently he can do what he wants in Heaven, there’s no-one to tell him off!
Cheeky monkey!
How Josh feels about each of you as a family:-
Katie – Gemma sees Josh jump up at Katie & place both his paws on her shoulders. Gemma is then completely overwhelmed by a feeling of love from Josh which reduced both Katie & Gemma to tears, Josh showed Gemma just how much he loved Katie & then places one of his paws on her chest. He then placed a paw on Gemma’s chest.
Sarah – Gemma sees Josh lying at Sarah’s feet whilst she is on the sofa or in a chair, he liked to lye at her feet & to be near her (this is something he would do)
Mom – Gemma sees him nuzzling up to Mom as she sits at the kitchen table. Josh would do this, Mom would say nicely but firmly “Josh, go away”. Gemma believes Mom may feel Josh around, she may feel a sensation to her left, a tingling maybe as she sits at the table or maybe around the house.
Dad – Josh saw Dad as the authoritive figure, Gemma sees Josh sat quietly for Dad. Though to a certain extent this is true, they both pushed each other’s boundaries from time to time as both saw each other as the dominant male in the house!
Gemma says that Josh thanks all of us as we showed him what love really is before he left this world.
Did you have Josh put to sleep?
Yes we did.
Josh thanked us for this, says we made the right decision. He appreciated it being quick & he knew we were all there for him.
Josh says he is still with us. Katie asked if this is helped by the fact that we brought him home from the vets & buried him in the garden. Josh says as nice a gesture as that was, we didn’t need to do that, as he would always be with us anyway & that he didn’t need his body any longer.
Gemma sees Josh lay in the centre of the living room with us surrounding him on the sofas.
He did this, he’d be lay there & would just lift his head every so often to do a quick scan of the room, make sure we were all still there & ok!
Katie asked Josh why he felt the need to be so aggressive & hostile to people outside of the home & why he felt so much aggression towards the postman.
Josh replied that he felt very protective of us. Gemma also picked up on the fact that Josh almost felt the need to be aggressive because of the breed of dog that he was & the body that he was in, almost ‘bravado’, like living up to peoples expectation. Deep down he was very loving & Gemma says that Josh didn’t show her aggression at all during the reading.
Katie asked Josh why he felt the need to climb out of her bedroom window & slide down the garage roof one summer night when they were all outside!
Josh replies that he needed to be with us, he could hear us laughing outside & wanted to join in the fun! Similar to when you’re a child & your parents have visitors but you have to go to bed!
Gemma asked if Josh would always be with us, he replied yes.
Gemma believes that Josh & Katie had such a strong bond as they have known each other in a past life.
I would agree with this, we had a very special bond. I loved him so much. I’m not usually a ‘doggy’ person, however we had a very special bond that I know we both felt from the moment we met.
Gemma asks her pendulum if Josh & Katie may meet again in the future. The pendulum says yes & that Josh’s spirit may be re-incarnated in another dog that Katie will own in the future.