Wednesday, 29 December 2010

I'm Qualified!

Just had the call to say I passed my final professional case study with a score of 98%! So, I'm just waiting to receive my Certificate to frame & place in my new home office!

I finished my 9-5 job on Christmas Eve so now I'm all set to start the New Year with a new career.... doing the most amazing job I could wish for!

If you 'd like to hear how my radio show went on Monday click here

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

3rd Radio show - LIVE communications!

What a show! This is my 3rd show with Carl Munson on his Barefoot Broadcast. click here to listen to the whole show

If you'd like to hear a small snippet of me talking to a caller & communicating with her cat Kahuna LIVE click here
In this show we had callers ring in for LIVE communications with their pets. This is a first for me as I've always used photos & basic details like the pets name, age & gender. It proved to be a success with me communicating with a dog in spirit, 1 living dog & 2 living cats. We had 3 callers; 1 from America & 2 from the UK. It just proves that communication with animals can be done through their owners, when they talk about their pets with love the animals energy comes through.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Regular Radio show - every Monday @ 7pm GMT

After the success of my appearance on Carl Munson's Barefoot Broadcast Radio show a couple of weeks ago he's asked me back for a weekly show. Here's the link to Monday 13th December's show:

Animal Communication with Gemma Blackwell on The Barefoot Broadcast

Tune in every Monday at 7pm! You can listen live or download.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

I've passed all 3 Professional Case studies! 1 to go....

I got the phone call today from James at ACT to say I'd passed all 3 of my professional case studies. The pass rate was 90% & I got 98%, 98% & 95%.... To say I'm happy & relieved is an understatement! One to go & I'm fully qualified! I'm struggling to get hold of anyone to book it but it'll happen when it's meant to I'm sure.

Friday, 10 December 2010

We have moved!

So, we finally moved house at the end of November! The house is lovely & so is the village - getting snowed in, Ben pranging his car, having no heating for 3 days & feeling like a bit of a visitor wasn't so lovely & this obviously affected our beautiful cat Fingles.

I'm pleased to say things are settling down now though. Most boxes are unpacked, the snow's melted away, Ben wasn't hurt (only the car), we got oil delivered & now have heating & I'm feeling less of a visitor as I settle in.

Fingles has been affected & as an Animal Communicator I obviously did my best to help him but was struggling so called on the lovely ladies I did my course with. One of them, Georgie communicated with Fingles last night and the result was brilliant.... Animal Communication never ceases to amaze me!

Toward the end of the communication Fingles came out from behind the sofa and laid on the floor in front of me - looking the most relaxed he has since we moved. He then got on my lap, something he's not done at all since we moved. He's now becoming much more chilled and I'm sure he'll be back to his old self soon. We forget that our animals are sensitive and mirror us. I was feeling unsettled and like a bit of a visitor in my own home so it's no wonder he felt the same.

2 other ladies have also offered to communicate with him so it'll be interesting to see what he has to say next time!

I love Animal Communication!! xxx

The Gorilla & the Sealion!

I recently communicated with a beautiful Gorilla but it was clear that the keeper was not 100% into the communication. It didn't help that the Gorilla in question preferred to communicate via another Gorilla! This was a little far fetched for our keeper I feel so I left it there and didn't go any further. It's just proof that it takes a communicator, an animal and their human companion to all be willing to communicate for the process to be successful. If one isn't willing to take part in any way it won't work. I wasn't offended, for some people it's just hard for them to comprehend the whole process.

The upshot of this was going back to the Head of Animal Training to explain, she was very understanding and offered me her Sealion that she works with! The communication went really well and it was clear that they both shared a close bond. Hopefully I'll be able to tell you more about the communication when I get some feedback from the zoo so watch this space.

3 out of 4 professional case studies complete

It's been a busy couple of weeks. We moved house on the 30th November & then I launched straight into my professional case studies. I felt like they all went well & I'll get the results this weekend. I'm still trying to book in my 4th & can't wait to get that in the diary.
The one that stuck out in my mind most was working with a vet & a chocolate lab who was quite difficult to get through to at first, but by the end of it she'd communicated about physical problems with her heart and the base of her tail, she'd also recommended flower essence treatment that could help her! Right at the end she validated the whole communication by letting me know her diet was due to change soon - the vet confirmed this! The communication took longer than usual but we got there in the end and I really hope it helped her in some way.