Saturday, 8 January 2011

A busy first week @ Pets Tails

This has been a great week for me. The World went back to work on Tuesday 4th January & it was my first 'proper' week of working for myself. I was a little anxious the first couple of days as I naturally worried about the money coming in or 'lack of'. As with any Business you seem to shell out left, right & centre doing all the Prep work. But every time I look out of my new office window at the hills, the trees, the animals & the sky or walk down to the village Post Office I say a little thank you. I haven't given my old job one thought and am loving being at home doing what I love.

I've been busy finishing the copy for my website & am finally happy with it. I've also finished the design for the website. As a Web/ Graphic Designer for an online Fashion Retailer previously I rarely got to do much design (believe it or not), now I'm doing loads & loving it! My Business Cards arrived & I love them...

I've booked into two Mind Body & Spirit Fairs thanks to my good friend Jay:

Whitchurch Saturday 5th Feb - Hill Valley Hotel, Whitchurch, SY13 4JH - 11am-5pm
Oswestry Sunday 6th March - Memorial Hall, Oswestry - 10am - 4:30pm

Come along & if you know of any other Fairs in the Country get in touch, I've given myself a goal of booking in at least 1 per month!

These will be great as I'll get to meet lots of people & start to spread the word about Pets Tails.

Well it's the weekend & I'm still working (I must love it). Ben & I will be putting the website together over the weekend so I'll let you all know when it's up & running.

Exciting times!!!!!


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