Sunday, 10 October 2010

Daisy's Tail

The Communication:

When I first tuned in with Daisy I was instantly drawn to her chest area and felt it needed some healing. Throughout the communication I also felt a physical blockage in my chest area (similar to when you have a cold and you’re trying to cough something up but it doesn’t move). I didn’t feel worried but I felt her emotions; frustration and anxious. Her owner confirmed she also felt these emotions so it may be possible that Daisy and her owner are bouncing off one another. Daisy put in a few requests: To have her food bowls raised, to be fed separate and to have some sort of oil given to her (like a cod liver oil capsule) to soothe her throat. Daisy’s owner asked if there was a way she could make a trip to the vets more comfortable as this was not something Daisy enjoyed! Daisy requested soothing music, to be sat in the front and not the back, and to be talked to. Daisy seems to be less than happy with the attention she gets from one of the other cats in the household but I felt this wasn’t malicious but she just needs reassurance from her owner that she’s special by spending some special time alone with her owner and to be fed separately. When I asked Daisy if she’d like Reiki healing again she said yes but from her owner.

Daisy's owners feedback:

Hi Gemma,

A bit of feedback for you - I put Daisy on the passenger seat as suggested with some Gregorian chants on the CD player(!!)  and she was loads better than normal.  The vet has diagnosed 'sinusitis' which is triggered after coming into contact with a cat who's had catflu or something like - this I suspect is from my old stray Tom.....  The vet had a good look in her throat and felt all around there, said there was no blockage or she wouldn't be able to eat which is obviously not the case as she is quite a big girl, he couldn't feel any other lumps or bumps and said he wasn't particularly worried about her because of her size - due to good living as he called it!  He confirmed what you had said in that he felt it didn't particularly bother her, but we're back on antibiotics so we'll see how we get on.....  We've had some nice cuddles, but she wasn't interested in the cod liver oil at the moment - will see if the others like it as I'm sure it's good for them anyway.

Thanks so much Gemma for your input, it was really helpful.

Best wishes,

Pam and Daisy

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