Paddy (left) & Missy (right)
The communication (Paddy):
Paddy came through as a sensitive and loving soul. He was friendly, approachable and sincere. To make sure I was communicating with him he gave me the impression he liked to lick, liked to weave around legs & talked a lot to Trudy. Out of the two Paddy chose to communicate first & Missy agreed, Trudy also thought Paddy should go first.
Paddy communicated that he'd prefer to sit in the back of the car on the way to the vets, as he was going for a check up soon. He doesn't like the vets but this is because he just wants to be at home - he feels very secure at home. He seems to get nervous when he's away from Trudy & the house. When he has his territorial moments it's because he's protecting Missy & he made it clear he's happy living with Missy.
The communication (Missy):
Missy has a beautiful nature, a little fuss pot as she puts it! Quite simply she's fun, friendly & loving. She gave me an image of standing on her back legs stretching her front paws up to Trudy which Trudy confirms she does. She was adament that she DOES like to go outside & that she likes to chase Paddy up the stairs.
Missy was clear that her & Trudy were 'meant to be', she told me of her smaller sister possibly called Suki (Trudy couldn't verify this) & she told me that Trudy & herself share a great connection & understand one another. Finally she clarified that she DOES want to go outside. Trudy had a feeling that Missy wanted to go out more so this was Missy's way of confirming her suspicions.
Trudy's feedback (Paddy):
I was really impressed with the first connection, I felt Gemma gave a pretty accurate description of Paddy`s personality, she said he was a loving cat and said he was in good physical shape. Gemma helped me understand Paddy’s emotions. I asked her why he cries when going in the car to the vets or catterey she advised I try putting the cat carrier in the back, yesterday he had a routine appointment for vaccinations at the vets and I tried putting him in the back of the car and he was so much better I couldn`t believe it. She said she felt he was a homely cat which is correct as he doesn`t really go very far when he`s out. She also picked up on the fact that he "weaves" around things, I interpreted that as he is an extremely friendly cat and he is always rubbing himself against furniture and people. There were other characteristics that she described Paddy as having and I felt again she was pretty accurate. Gemma was informative of the process and very professional.
Trudy's feedback (Missy):
Missy is a fairly new addition to our family and she really connected with her personality, she described her as being extremely happy as she feels like she really belongs with us, she was a rescue cat. Gemma asked me to begin with who she thought should go first as she did the communication on both my cats, I said Paddy as he was the oldest and she said she had communicated with them both and they had both agreed the same. She said Missy was a happy cat and that was one of the reasons she was so vocal. She also said that Missy liked to go outside, I have been a bit dubious about letting her stay out for long periods as I recently lost a cat on the road by us but Gemma said that Missy was aware of this, I found that really interesting. She also asked if she jumps on my other cat Paddy and she does do this but Gemma said it is because she likes to play. Overall I think Gemma was pretty accurate with Missy`s personality.
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