Tuesday 9 November 2010

Case Study 3 - Lauren & Mikey

The communication:

Lauren explained that Mikey can be a bit moody & she'd like to know why. When I communicated with Mikey she described herself as a little bit feisty, slightly troubled, genuine & loving. She realises that she has issues that need working on namely feeling insecure & needing re-assurance. She showed me that she has a favourite spot on the bed, that she does have affectionate moments and that she scratches the back door even though she can get in/out - it's just to get Lauren's attention. These were all things I asked for so that Lauren could confirm it was Mikey we were communicating with.
Mikey made Lauren realise during the communication that Lauren needs to quiten down & slow down & that she works too hard, this is what's affecting Mikey's mood. Mikey had a few requests & one was that Lauren take up yoga again from home as the calming energy also helped Mikey. She also likes her fun time & when Lauren talked about having music on & getting ready to go out Mikey's spirits lifted, she also enjoys this time. Mikey was quite clear that her role is to teach Lauren & she had a Eureka moment when Lauren simply said "may-be I need to quieten down"! She'd got it!
Mikey is a prime example of being a mirror to her human companion - Lauren. She was feeling moody & anxious because of the way Lauren felt when she came home & was busy doing things. Simple!

Lauren's feedback:

Gemma correctly picked up that Mikey can seem quite troubled but is loving underneath, she likes the same place on the bed and that she asks to be let in/out when she can do it herself!
I felt I had a real breakthrough in understanding myself through my Cats behaviour and feelings and came away with a plan to change things in my life that will hopefully in turn make my cat happier too. Thanks Gemma!

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