Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Case Study 2 - Jen & Charlie

The communication:

Jen wanted to know that Charlie was happy & warm enough. He came through as being a gentle character and quite a thinker. He like a specific spot in his tank, was boasting about the size of his tongue! And confirmed that he's quite slow in everything he does - Jen confirmed this is a Camelion thing! During the communication Charlie confirmed he'd like a bigger tank, he enjoys water being sprinkled on him & that he'd like to go downstairs & meet Trevor the rabbit. He showed a lot of love for Cedric (Jen's son) & Jen. Overall he came across as a happy, gentle creature.

Jen's feedback:

Gemma phoned I sat in the room with Charlie and she gave me a few things about him that she wanted me to confirm to ensure she was in communication with Charlie or if indeed he wanted to communicate with Gemma. All was well for a fascinating 20-25 minutes of questions and answers. Everything was explained and communications checked along the way to ensure we both understood things the same way.

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